Sometime earlier this month, another year passed since Drivemeonline went online. It switched off its lights and silently rolled past this page. No crackers nor resounding vrooms! Horribly unfair to the community and the passion that drives us all, just at a time when crossed another milestone (apart from the 4th birthday I mean!) that is unique by itself – 123 car reviews. The number might add up to 130 something but it’s 123 models if I don’t count the variants.

Now as I see it, this is something of a flag-off point rather than a milestone. It tells me 1. 2. 3… GO! Go full throttle ahead. Explore new territories. Tell different stories from the rest. Not just tell you stories, rather take you through experiences. Give you gearheads new boxes to tick!

So, why hasn’t anything of that sort happened? Well, that’s partly why I was silent for most part of the birthday month. I had booked myself into a double decker aircraft and was holidaying atop the London Eye and at the Buckingham Palace gates, squeezing through mountain passes in the scenic lake district, and celebrating freedom across an airstrip – not flying kites you bet!

Celebrating alone, you ask me. How selfish. Hey, don’t I deserve that much at least. For all the miles driven and words written. Nights lit up and tests redone.

Cool 🙂 I thought so too! But what’s the fun if I didn’t get you to join me online, sharing every word of my experience?

So join me as we celebrate the fourth anniversary of inside the manufacturing facility of the Defender, precisely five months before that assembly line grinds to a halt; and as I push the one and only Defender through slush and deep water, walk it up and down two dozen steps; and invade an old airfield in a Caterham 7, a Porsche 996 C2 and a Mitsubishi Evo – I will also tell you how to make your trip to the UK more exciting as a motoring enthusiast (why didn’t you ever think of it? Well, I didn’t think of it either… so far!).

While I get to keep an example of the longest serving component in the original Defender, I have plenty of pictures of the ol’ farmhand from all over England to share with you. Parked in front of pubs, sleeping on side lanes, ready to go adventuring with a canoe on top… By the way, did I ever mention which automobile legend happens to fill our 123rd review page – too little left for guesswork, I guess!

So that’s some stuff to make up for partying alone, away from this space. Without another wasted word, all I say is 1… 2… 3… go!

123 cars and 4 years… celebration is in order! was last modified: February 25th, 2016 by Sudeep Koshy

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