You can vote to choose the Car Of The Year using the link in this article, until Marcg 7th. This has been a year of some great automotive movement. Of healthy competition, raising benchmarks, self-defining technology, growing expectations and generous specifications that feed them further…

Vote right away. Click the MECOTY link below to go to the voting page. You can see the nominated cars as two drop down menus, one featuring the brands and the second featuring the models. Choose one car – just one car – from the nominated models.


Take the mundane midsize sedan category for example. It isn’t mundane or boring anymore. I have found exceptional pleasure in reiterating this… on these pages, on social, on radio… ever since the launch of the all-new Toyota Camry last year. Followed by the introduction of the all-new Honda Accord, until the launch of the all-new Nissan Altima in the Middle East a few days ago. As the Altima doesn’t fall within the time frame of evaluation, it isn’t part of the nominated cars. Likewise, it is the year that saw category defining entries and the start of whole new species altogether – like the Rolls-Royce Cullinan or the Aston Martin DB11 – and the rebirth of iconic models like the Bentley Continental GT that have been trudging along the path of change and then crossed through the tunnel of metamorphosis this year…

So, it is a worthy collection that awaits your stamp of approval – rather your careful pick of one to be celebrated as the Car Of The Year as decided by the public. My fellow members of the jury and I have submitted our votes by now and next month it will all be revealed.


The list of nominated cars are given above. You will also find them in the drop down menu on the page this link below will lead you to. You have 7 days to make your vote matter.


Click on the MECOTY link above and choose one car – just one car – from the nominations – for the MECOTY Public Award. You can see the nominated cars as two drop down menus, one featuring the brands and the second featuring the models.

Public MECOTY award: Vote now was last modified: March 1st, 2019 by Sudeep Koshy

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