CAFU has been delivering fuel to UAE residents anytime, anywhere, since it opened its doors in 2018 as the first on-demand fuel delivery service in the MENA region. As society takes on the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, the innovative start-up which reimagined the vehicle refuelling model has now decided to adopt a free-delivery model. UAE residents can now avail of contactless refuelling at the same price as a petrol station, at no extra cost. The best part still remains – filling up without having to wait in line at a fuel station!

“The Covid era has been challenging for us all. It has changed our way of life, impacting how we live, work, and socialise, but it has also given us a moment to pause and reflect on how we can do more for our community to try and ease their day-to-day lives”, says Rashid Al Ghurair, Founder and CEO of CAFU. According to an IPSOS study, UAE residents are estimated to spend an average of 10 minutes waiting in line for fuel at a petrol station. For a CAFU consumer filling up their tank every week, free of charge delivery would mean an annual saving of almost 9 hours and up to AED 1,000, putting Dirhams back into their pocket.

Next time onlookers will notice a difference in appearance when CAFU trucks turn up to answer their call. As a show of solidarity with the UAE’s spirit of renewal, resilience and optimism, CAFU has rebranded its fleet of trucks from Grey to Teal, signifying calmness, strength and safety amidst uncertain times.

As a UAE born company, CAFU has taken forward many initiatives like the recent collaboration with the Dubai Health Authority to provide front-line workers with free fuel; the Ghaf tree project – a mission to plant one million Ghaf trees in the UAE, and the CAFU Community Champions initiative to support and acknowledge the efforts of residents in helping combat the Covid-19 pandemic. was one of the first to bring word of this innovative service when it was launched. Watch the video demonstration.

CAFU changes business model to free delivery was last modified: July 29th, 2020 by Sudeep Koshy

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