“The mountain rose in front of me, and all around. The wind kept lashing out at the tent laid over a rough patch among bushes of cacti in which I was comfortably cuddled, lost in adventurous dreams – the challenges to conquer the following day; the paths to break.” If …
Land Rover LR4 Review: At home, anywhere
The LR4 isn’t a car. It is not even an SUV. It is a motor home. And it’s not just because you can take it anywhere you want, because the LR4 is made for multi-terrain adventure. It’s largely the space and layout of the LR4 that qualifies it for a …
Audi Q7 Review: For big families and bigger egos
Stationary in the parking lot, I looked at the typically Audi sort of instrument panel to take the trip reading before I drove off with the Audi Q7 3.0L Supercharged. The steering felt quite the right size, perfect for a racing style facing grip even in this 5.09 m long …
Mercedes ML 63 AMG Review: Rumble in the brains
Have you ever had the nightmare of being followed by a beastly growl, wherever you went? Even as you try to escape it in your powerful car, its menacing guttural sputter is close at your heels, haunting your ears, following you all over town… In a Mercedes ML 63 AMG, …
All new Range Rover 2013 Review: Long live the King!
No. It wasn’t a gender goofed-up reference to the head of the monarchy, but to her chosen carriage for many decades. No less fascinating a legend than the monarchy itself, the Range Rover lineage now has a new heir in the all-new Range Rover 2014. Groomed at the ‘Royal College’ …
Infiniti JX 35 review: High-tech comfort for the family
When Infiniti introduced the JX35 Crossover earlier this year, it had the Audi Q7 as well as family men, and moms, in mind. Whether (or not) you get a kick out of the design or the drive, it stuns with sophistication and a surprising price. The Drive In the new …
Audi A7 Review 2012: Executive playboy
I know of a pretty well off family with five siblings, each a chip off the old block and considered by the entire town to be pretty cool in their own way. All of them made their millions but there was one that thought he could do it on his …
Range Rover Sport 2012 Review: Showing off substance
Even as the all-new Range Rover 2013 creates a sensation across the luxury SUV world after a decade-long constancy, the younger sibling Range Rover Sport promises to hold its stead for three more years. So, what keeps the mid-size luxury SUV current as we indulge in the Range Rover evolution, …
Range Rover Supercharged Review: Dual Personality
The most important thing to remember when you are interviewing Al Paccino is that you are NOT face to face with the Godfather. Well, what I am trying to say is when reviewing an awe-wrapped icon like the Land Rover Range Rover, it is vital to think of it as …
UAE Launch: Infiniti JX 2013
Comfortably seated in the world’s largest Infiniti showroom, I listened to their ambitious plans. By 2016, Infiniti aims to garner 10% of the luxury market around the world. Now, that doesn’t just mean the 500,000 units they have chalked out in figures. More significantly, it means they need to not …