Chevrolet Blazer was one of the most impressive new entrants earlier this year. A positive reminder of that impressive makeover from Chevrolet and yet ironically of the same Trailblazer of last decade in terms of its sleek and solid stance is the new Chevrolet Tahoe 2021. Refinements like air suspensions and several class-leading features like more stretch space in the rear rows add up to one thing ultimately – more comfort wherever you go. So we went almost a hundred kilometres by road and then veered off to surmount a sea of beige with a delightful dash over dunes. Full review coming up on Monday.

The list of class-leading features and segment firsts was long in the launch presentation. That sure bolstered the comfort factor of the big SUV from Chevrolet which is by the way bigger and bolder. However, I like the fact that it doesn’t look bigger in an intimidating way – looks sleeker in fact. Some of you might still find the solid rear and blocky presence of the old Tahoe more impressive and I agree it is toned down a bit with a more vulnerable-looking light cluster. However, the change in appearance has definitely favoured the tech clusters inside. More about it soon.

Chevrolet Tahoe 2021: More elegance outside, macho inside was last modified: November 6th, 2020 by Sudeep Koshy

One Response to Chevrolet Tahoe 2021: More elegance outside, macho inside

  1. Lijo Joseph says:

    Need your suggestion , which will be a good choice ;2020 cx5 GT vs 2019 Edge SE . Both offered at same price . 99k

    • mm Sudeep Koshy says:

      Hi Lijo, missed your query. Hope this is still of use. First advice: Please take a test drive as the feel of the drives are quite different. That might help settle your choice. All things equa, I would suggest CX-5 in this case as it is a model year ahead, is the AWD higher trim and could fetch better resale when you wish to sell- especially as the Edge is being discontinued. However, if you like the Edge feel better, go right ahead. They might also give you some serve and warranty package as the model is making an exit as was announced earlier.

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