That’s not really a trick question.

As my beloved readers, you have inspired us from the start to bring you fun-to-read yet matter-of-fact reviews. So we say it as it is. Because we love you.

No car deserves mudslinging. Every car is made for someone out there! So we say as it is, without fear or favour. Because we love cars – all kinds of them.

Now, this must have been what Armor All liked about us. Because they love cars too, all kinds of them. In fact, Armor All is the No. 1 car care brand in the US. And they make products meant for all makes and models.

So they decided to help us tell stories, by coming on board as a supporting partner. Now, what does that mean?


First of all, while we continue to remain passionately independent, we will be able to keep doing quality work; and keep our reviews entertaining and engaging.

Second of all, you will be able to know a little more about their products, and keeping your car as good as new in general.

Last of all, but perhaps you’ll like this best: You will have plenty of chances to win their goody bags as soon as a reason comes our way. That could be Eid, our birthday, their birthday, your birthday… well… you get the point!

So you know why they are on board. And we are happy to add…

They too help us remain independent.

Welcome aboard, Armor All.

Guess who helps us remain independent was last modified: August 3rd, 2018 by Sudeep Koshy

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