Greetings, respected Jury members,

Yes, I am talking to you – each one of you, my readers, listeners and viewers. If you are a car enthusiast or a lot more than that, now is the time to make that count. This is your opportunity to name the best car to come out in the past year, according to your criteria.

This is one contest where favouritism is allowed. For you that is! For us jury members, it has been a long season of testing and evaluating cars in relevant and appropriate ways to find the best in over twenty five categories. We are now eagerly awaiting the final tallied results. Just like you.

For you things are much simpler – your vote will determine the PUBLIC COTY – Overall Car of The Year across categories. All you got to do is click the link below to go to the MECOTY voting page, where the categories and brands are listed. Once you choose your brand from any category for casting your vote, the model names will appear in the drop-down menu below. Now you can choose the model, cast your vote and also feed in your name where the voter details are requested.

So, stay tight-lipped or break into a smile. Just go ahead and cast your vote. You could make all the difference to your favourite car in its journey to becoming the CAR OF THE YEAR 2020! Voting closes on 15 March.

Consumer Car of the Year

Consumer Car of the Year

NAME YOUR CAR OF THE YEAR NOW! was last modified: February 18th, 2020 by Sudeep Koshy

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