I’ve been to many birthday parties that have turned into nothing short of carnivals, with one item bold in the whole agenda – barhopping. But a couple of months ago, as drivemeonline.com celebrated its 3rd birthday, we (our photographer, fellow riders and me) were treated to something even more fun and feisty – carhopping!

Out of the half a dozen hot models (we’re still sticking to cars here!) that turned up for the party, three of them were a bunch. And then came along a sexy duo that stood for everything good that began with an F, before we were finally joined by a starlet that would have 007 crooning in her cockpit.

To state the almost obvious, it’s none other than the Aston Martin Vantage S V12, the quirky little dynamite of a car, and the stunning duo from Jaguar, the F-Type V8 and V6 that I’m talking about. As for the trio that flagged off the party, it’s the RS 4, RS6 and RS7 from the Audi line up.

So, let’s start the birthday bash of ‘Drivemeonline’ by getting our ‘three RS’ right. That’s where most three year olds should justly begin!

On our 3rd birthday, we get our 3 ‘RS’ right and that’s just a beginning was last modified: February 22nd, 2016 by Sudeep Koshy

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