If your flight is actually powered by a Rolls-Royce engine, Speedy Cop’s road flight gets its power from a Toyota engine. Does it really fly? No, but that is all that it doesn’t do and this is a contraption you would think has no business to be on the road except turning up at a signal on Halloween!

Jeff Bloch is a 42-year old police officer aka Speedy Cop to his friends. He comes across this abandoned Cessna aircraft and has access to a Toyota Van. So he puts one and one together, and creates a 27-foot surprise for the road.  Well, originally built for the 24 hours of LeMons race in South Carolina, USA, before it was declared street-legal.

It will never get away with a license to run on Sheikh Zayed Road, I can assure you, for its sheer ability to turn heads and let people go crazy on a high-speed high-street! But in quiet Carolina, one has all the time in the world to be surprised by the floating flier stopping next to you at the signal and even follow it to flag it down for a quick roadside chat for coffee and curiosity sake!

Watch the video here: https://en-maktoob.screen.yahoo.com/barcrofttv/cop-turns-abandoned-plane-street-081545801.html?vp=1

The vehicle is named the Spirit of LeMons and did win a trophy for doing what it has no business to do in the race – that is, riding at over 110 km per hour without ‘flying away’.

Video grabs and News: Courtesy Yahoo! And Barcroft TV
Story adapt: Sudeep Koshy

Speedy cop makes Toyota van fly was last modified: February 23rd, 2016 by Sudeep Koshy

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